
Welcome to our testimonial page - an ode to success stories where Mailvio's compelling features have empowered businesses to excel in their email marketing endeavors

Here Are Some Recent Testimonials From Our Users!

"Getting REALLY good results with Mailvio...27% open rate! Been a long time since i got that"

Chris Derenberger

"If i know any of the most branded autoresponders I have used them. I only need areputable smtp at a price that doesn't penalize my growth. Thanks you Neil and the team for making Mailvio that no brainer deal for us"

Jean Antoine

"Get Response is contact based, which makes it costly to scale up. I really like how mailvio is based on number of emails sent as opposed to the number of contacts. Some auto-responders like Awaber can even change you multiple times for the same contact."

Michael Ron

"Big congratulations to Neil and the team at Mailvio on an awesome product. I can see they have put a lot of thought and work into designing a platform that is easy to use for all marketers. The fundamentals are all in place and importantly they are very responsive to any questions or support enquiries. We all appriciate a support team that is quick and willing to help. It's my number one priority these days and i won't buy unless I can see they have a great support team in place."

Mark Peters

"I have changed 3 autoresponders in the last 6 months. It's either they were becoming to expensive, lacked some features I'd want, or had poor deliverability.

Mailvio solved all for me: affordable price, awesome features that makes my work easy, and good deliverability.

My lowest open rate in Mailvio has been 33,8% while the highes has been 72,1% 

I've never had it that good for any of the platforms I've tried"

Patrick Enyum

"I've been waiting for something like mailvio for so long and finally appeared. I've used most of the popular autorespondedores, but mailvio is crushing them by far, with automation functionalities. To tell truth these functions also found it in activecampaign, but it's very expensive, instead with mailvio you do the same, even better and the price is bergain."

Rafael Fra

Don't Miss Out

As you go deeper into our customer stories, you'll see how Mailvio has transformed its email marketing landscape. Our powerful tools and intuitive design are tailored for marketers, offering advanced segmentation, automation workflows, and a robust drag-and-drop editor. 

With Mailvio, you gain the capacity to send unlimited emails, schedule campaigns hands-free, and access detailed analytics, among many other features. Let us partner with you on your journey to email marketing success.

Join Now And See The Future Of Email Marketing With Mailvio!

"Mailvio has all the top features of enterprise level email marketing software but add a price that almost anyone can afford"

Nadine Carr

"The email marketing visualization and planning platform is incredible for beginners or advanced users in email marketing. I love how powerful and robust Mailvio is"

Simon Lewis

"I love deeper overview in Mailvio, that I can see open, click, unsubscribe information that are presented in both figures and percentage. Other platforms only show 1 or the other information"

Jim Lim